Access access


Ray Farley

Microsoft sucks!!!!! I recently reformated my hard drive
and installed WindowsXP. I reinstalled the Office Disks
and went to Access. Now, before I erases my drive, I
saved the data on floppies. I don't know what I did but
when I booted up Access, there were the files. Now, I
believe it read the data from the floppies. After
spending hours, (Hours in conputer time is similar to dog
years) trying to retrieve the data, no such lusk. The
Help menmues were no help at all. When I asked for the
time, the told me how to build a watch!!!!. I tried to go
to the Microsoft Site. In order to send in a concern, you
have to have a Pasport!! I applied for the Pasport. After
another long period on time, I noticed I mispelley my
email address. nnet instead of net. Tried to edit. Do
you know that you can edit anything but your email
address. I hope this message gets to Microsoft!

Ed Secco

Your kidding, right? This is a joke. Your message has
multiple typos that makes it difficult to read and then
complain you misspelled your email address. I'm not sure
this is a serious posting.

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