access and infopath



I have a Infopath form that, using managed code, saves the data to a
sharepoint library. i also have an Access db as a secondary data
source. the db consists of one table with one record with one field.
i created a data connection that gets that record and displays the
field on the form.

next, i want to subtract an amount from the field, and save the record
back to the Access db.

I never done this before. i've been reading about it, and it seems
that i'm going to need to write code using, ADO i guess, to update the
table. seems kind of painful. before submit to this pain, is this
really the way to go? (for other reasons i can't use web services, sql
server, etc)



Kalyan G Reddy MVP (GGK Tech)


Yes, You need to write the code to submit the form to the DB, if it is not
the main data connection

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