Access as front end, SQL server as back end



Hi, i have data sitting in SQL server, and will use Access
as user interface for data access. What are the options to
implement? I tried to create a Access project which is
connected with the server. I could see tables, querys in
Access. However, i want block users from seeing the
background. I only want to make forms for the entry
system. Is there a way to do it? I appreciate your help.

Jacek Segit

Witaj ming,
W Twoim liœcie datowanym 22 czerwca 2004 (20:15:10) mo¿na przeczytaæ:

m> Hi, i have data sitting in SQL server, and will use Access
m> as user interface for data access. What are the options to
m> implement? I tried to create a Access project which is
m> connected with the server. I could see tables, querys in
m> Access. However, i want block users from seeing the
m> background. I only want to make forms for the entry
m> system. Is there a way to do it? I appreciate your help.

What version of MSAccess have you got? 2000? XP,2003?

2000 - this is very simple, just Tools->Security->etc.
XP - heh, you should use EnterpriseManager or third-party software,
like ExtraSQl or DbaMgr to manage permissions..
2003 - I dont know :)

Jacek Segit


Sorry i forgot to mention that i alreday have a Access
database. the plan is to move the data to the server and
still use Access as user interface. Is upsizing to sql
server a way to do it?



Sorry, i might have misled you. Now that i have everything
in Access (tables, data entry forms). My plan is to move
data to the SQL server and design Access forms as data
entry. How do i start, linking tables, upsizing or using
ADO in Access?
-----Original Message-----
If I understand your question properly, you are looking
for a way to hide the Container window and only display
forms in the ADP file. You can do this by specifying a
startup form under Tools | Startup and unchecking the
Display Database window option. Also see AllowBypassKey
in Help.


yes, i tried. The problem is that users could see
everything in the server (tables, procedures...), and even
make changes on data and design, which is not i want. i
could setup the startup form, but people could still
bypass it and see the design which could be dangerous to
the server. How can i set up permission for general users
in both Access and SQL server?

-----Original Message-----
You should try creating a new Access project connecting
to either a new SQL DB or an Existing one. ADPs will
track all the table connectivity related functions
themselves including permissions. Once you have the
tables available you can design forms/reports around them.
I would suggest going through this set of articles. It
might help clarify things a bit.



What I understand :

1) you want to put data on server and you just tried
upsizing to SQL server
2)You dont want the user to see the tables etc in the
front end
3) User should have limited access, say readonly or insert

Ans1: Access can be used as front to SQL SERVER in three
ways: 1) By linking tables in access to sql server, u may
use file->link tables. for this u should have created a
DNS in ODBC datasources

2)If you want to use adp, u can use this as front end and
the best way.

3)Using Pass through queries( WHICH IS BIT DIFFICULT
compared previous two)

Ans2: User seeing the objects in an adp does not
necessarily mean, he can change everything. For instance,
If TableA is visible, I can insert data into itonly if i
have insert permisssion. even I can t see the data i dont
have select permission on the table.Not to speak of design
ext, which can be changed on permissions only

If you dont want user to see also what objects are there



continuing from previous one

If you dont want even user to see what table are there in
sql, Then, you have to hide them

simplest is use startup form bigger than the container and
and make it ade file and use form to navigate between
forms.dont forget to disable access keys.

You can also use bypassKey as some on suggested. U need to
know some programming as the example in the help pertains
only to mdb. But it will work.

Ans3: Use Enterprisemanager to give permissions in SQL


Jason V

In the Startup Dialog box. Click the Advanced Button Uncheck Use special
Keys. You can also Create your Menu and use it as the menu bar. Also Uncheck
Display Database window as stated before. You must select a starting form or
the database will open and the user will not be able to do anything. When
Creating the Menu bar, Use only commands your users need. Do not include
Hide or Unhide. By doing this It will lock down the Access Project to a
point where average and some above average users will not be able to open
the adp and get to the database window.


continuing from previous one

If you dont want even user to see what table are there in
sql, Then, you have to hide them

simplest is use startup form bigger than the container and
and make it ade file and use form to navigate between
forms.dont forget to disable access keys.

You can also use bypassKey as some on suggested. U need to
know some programming as the example in the help pertains
only to mdb. But it will work.

Ans3: Use Enterprisemanager to give permissions in SQL


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