Access Automatically Moving Criteria Columns to End of Query (DesignView)



I have a query being run where the position of the criteria (in Design
View) is important to pull the data correctly. However, I have to
move this column to the correct position each time I run the query, as
Access automatically moves not shown columns to the end of the query
in design view. Is there a way to stop Access from automatically
reordering the columns? Thanks.


Why does it matter where the not shown columns are?
If you are using it for sorting then just create aliases for all your sort
columns and make them not shown.

John Spencer

The position of criteria in QUERY design view will not change what data is

However, if you are attempting to SORT by those columns (that is not criteria)
then you need to add the Additional columns you are sorting by again and make
the second instance NOT shown. Then put all the sorting columns in the
desired order.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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