Access Book Collection Database Question



I have downloaded the book collection database but i would like to alter it a

When i am entering the details of book on the second box down you can click
on the box and enter the books topic IE crime, romance, thriller and so onand
then when you enter the next book you have only to enter the first letter and
it is entered automaticly.

My question is how do i copy this feature as i would like to have another so
i can easley enter where i got the books from without having to type all the
infomation in.

Hope someone can help please

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

The feature is called Auto Expand and it is the default property of a
combobox. You find it on the Data tab of the property sheet for the

Larry Daugherty

One of the uses of the templates is to download them and then become
familiar with them and then to bring up various objects of interest,
change to design mode and trace your way around the things of

If you have never read a book or taken a few tutorials on Access then
you're going to find the learning curve using that approach to be very



Hi guys i have had a look at the above surgestion and i am still unable to
get it to work. i can copy the item but it will not auto expand when i click
on it i can select the items that are already there but i am unable to add to
the list. i have sreated a new coloumn in the datasbase table but i cannot
link the new combibox the the table

anybody got any ideas i is this a step to far for a relitive novice


Larry Daugherty

Autoexpand is not something that happens when a control is clicked.
It is a property that you can set on a combobox in design mode. With
Autoexpand turned on then back in run mode, starting to type a entry
into the combobox will cause it to try to find the first occurrence of
an item beginning with the letters you have typed.

Your coverage of the ground will be accelerated by getting a good
beginning book on Access.

I also recommend lurking




Thanks for the tip i will not give up i will master this project. Thank you
for your help

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