Access Chart with a secondary Y Axis



Hi all
Does anyone know if it's possible to get a secondary y-axis in Access
I have two series of numbers. One averages around 2.0 and the other
around 50 (both measured against time) e.g.

Jan07 1.8 48.7
Feb07 1.9 50.4
Mar07 1.9 49.8
Apr07 2.1 52.3
May07 2.0 45.2
Jun07 2.0 49.8
Jul07 1.9 50.3

If I plot both on the same graph as line the first series would just
appear as a flat line along the bottom and I can't see any changes in
Is there a way to have a secondary axis (I think this is possible in
Excel) on the right hand side of the chart?
I've thought there might be a way to bodge it by writing an expression
in the query to multiply series one by 25, but then I don't know how
to get the actual units displayed on the axis.

Doug M

You could always normalize your two sets of data by dividing each value by
the maximum for that field. Then the scale would be from 0 to 1 for both
sets. And if you multiplied the values by 100 you'd get percent.


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