Access connection pooling?


Simon Harvey

Hi guys and gals,

I'm going to be using an Access database for a small program that I'm

I was wondering if anyone could tell me if Access supports Connection
Pooling. I'm going to be using C# to make the application. I don't know if
connection pooling is something that is implemented within the database
itself, or whether this mechanism is done in the drivers that are used to
connect to the database.

If anyone happens to know if Access can do this then that would be great

Many thanks


Albert D. Kallal

I don't think the concept of connection pooling applies a mdb JET file

Since you can't have a socket connection over a network to a JET file share,
then the concept of pooling will not apply in the context simply opening a
file share.

Since you can't connect to a JET file share via a "port" number on a IP
address, then the whole idea of pooling does not apply.

Since all processing and code runs on each client, then on the other end,
the server does not know the difference between a JET file share user, and
someone opening a Excel file. Remember, a JET mdb file is NOT client to

There is a max 255 users. That simply means that you can have a max of 255
users open the file at the same time. In real world practice, you will never
even come close to that number.

Since each user is running their "own" program and simply opening the mdb
file, then there is NOTHING on the server side can know anything about a
current connection that a user has. This "sharing" of the open file is done
at the windows server file level, and "JET" is not running on the server, so
the issue of pooling is NOT a jet issue. Since no software is running on the
server side, then the issue of connection pooling is not a JET issue.

I mean, can we ask if Word, or Excel or ms-access pools connections? So, in
the context of a program that simply opens a file, I can't see the concept
applying. All JET does is open a file (it is not different then any other
windows program). If you can't browse to a folder where the mdb file is,
then you can't use it!

So, generally, connection pooling only applies to a socket based system,
which a JET mdb is NOT.

I suppose you could ask does a windows server pool connections when more the
one person opens a file. But, from the servers point of view, it is simply a
user opening a file. That open file could be the client computer running
Word,Excel, Power Point, or ms-access, but the server has no idea what or
"who" the application is on the server side.

So, I don't really think the concept of connection pooling applies. Further,
to make a connection across the internet, you STILL MUST use a file share.
That means you need to use a VPN, and can't just use a IP address.

In a true client to server database (which JET is not), you do not open a
file, and the there is also a "program" running on the sever side that
accepts socket connections. Pooling refers to these connections.

Note also how I used the word "jet" and a mdb file share, as ms-access is
only a Visual Basic development platform. The database engine you use with
ms-access can be either the JET mdb file share, or you can use the true
client to server sql database engine included on the office cd. (There is a
free sql database engine that ships with the office cd that is 100%
compatible with sql server (and it IS a socket based system)).

So, ms-access don't necessary = a JET mdb file share, and it is only a VB
devolvement tool. You can also use ms-access as a odbc client to oracle, or
whatever database server you fancy.

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