Hi Leo,
You might want to lookup KB236952 - PRB: Sort Order Has
Changed with Microsoft Jet version 4.0
US;236952) which talks about exactly the same issue and
also clearly states that "This behavior is by design. You
cannot change any settings to affect this behavior."
You can replace the dashes by a period or a tilde (~) or
any other character except a dash or quotation mark (').
You could use the following Update Query to do the same.
Just replace the ~ with whatever character you wish to use
in lieu of he dash.
UPDATE Table1 SET Table1.Data = Replace([Table1]![Data],"-
Now, if you want to export your data into another software
that needs those dashes, you could build a SELECT query as
below and use this query to import data into the software.
SELECT Replace([Table1]![Data],"~","-") FROM Table1;
Hope that answers your questions.
Charanjeev Singh
Technical Consultant
Microsoft Access Developer Support
-----Original Message-----
I have an Access problem that involves the lack of
recognition of dashes. We have thousands of entries that
include dashes, such as CJ1-22 and CJ12-2, yet Access
reads them without the dashes, thus organizing these
previous two entries side by side. Is there any way to
make Access recognize the dashes when sorting records? Or
is there an easy way to replace all the dashes with
periods, which we found are recognized in a sort? I am not
very computer literate, so any advice or help would be
greatly appreciated.