Access Database bad structure, Queries...beginer



Ello! Im beginner so need some help and answers plz. To make it short:
Imaginary dbase..
I have 3 tables: Authors, Books, Cathegory (book cathegory)

AuthorID...[Autonumber ..Primary Key]
Name [text]
Lastname [trxt]

BooksID [autonumb..PK]
AutorID [number]
CathegoryID [numb]
Title [text]
PublishingYear [number]

CathegoryID [autonumb..PK]
Note [text]

So, which fields to connect.. i mean, i wanna get somethin like: you enter
AuthorID or NAme and u get all the books written by that author.
For those, i need Queries..right? Queries are made for "those common handy"
things...? Any handy query ..what do you suggest?

Ty, and once again, sry for these n00b questions..


Jerry Whittle

Create a new query in design mode.

Add the Authors and Books tables. Access should put a join line between the
AuthorID fields in both tables (although you have it spelt AutorID in your

Drag and drop the Name and Title fields from their tables to the Field row.

Run the query.

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