Access Database - Board of Directors w/ Different Committees



I am trying to put our Board of Directors in an Access database and we have
several different committees that our members serve on. They may serve on
several different Committees.... I'm not sure the best way to enter this.
Should there be 2 tables, one for the members and one for the committees? If
so, how do I link them?


With a third - junction table. Set one-to-many relationship between the
Members and junction table and also between the committees and junction table.

Use a form/subform for data entry of Member/Committees with Master/Child
links set on the MemID of Member form and Committees subform. Use a combo
box in the subform to select the committee the member belongs to. Have
fields for joined date, and something like departdate with criteria for
departdate Is Null to show in subform.

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