Access 2007 - Microsoft Vista operating system
I am doing computer consulting for a friend that has a dog grooming
business. This person has a brand new Acer desktop computer and an Acer
laptop. Both computers are set-up on a wireless-g network sharing an internet
connection thu a local cable modem.
I want to develop an access 2007 application for his dog grooming business.
The Acer laptop would run the access 2007 execution program and the Microosft
Office Access 2007 development software would reside on the Acer desktop.
Backup would consist of copying the database file from laptop to the desktop.
Here is my preliminary table design:
Dog Grooming Transaction Table
transaction number (auto number field) primary key
transactiom month
transaction day
transaction year
pet name/owner last name (ex. Fido - Smith Rover - Smith)
service code (select code from service table)
amount (dollar amont of service rendered)
next appointment month
next appointment day
next appointment year
next appointment time
Customer Table
customer number (primary key)
customer last name (pet owner last name)
customer first name (pet owner first name)
customer middle initial (pet owner middle initial)
customer address
customer city
customer state
customer zip
customer work phone
customer cell phone
customer email address
Service Code Table
service code number (primary key)
service desciption
service price
Pet Table
pet name/customer last name (ex. Fido - Smith for duplicates fido2 - Smith)
(the ***(The above field would be the primary key)
customer number (pick from customer table)
breed of animal
neutered (yes/no)
spayed (yes/no)
vet name
vet phone
rabies shot due
dhlpp due
other innoculations
health problems
other problems
inside dog (yes/no)
house trained (yes/no)
repond to strangers (yes/no)
dog biiten anyone (yes/no)
dog obey any commands (yes/no)
what commands
dog groomer's name before this service
how did you learn of our service (pick from list)
special instructions for grooming this animal
digital picture of the dog
I think my design allows for multiple pets per customer by using the pet
name and owner last name as the primary key field in the pet table.
Is this the most efficient database design for a 1 man dog grooming business?
Comments and suggestions?
Thank you in advance for your help!
I am doing computer consulting for a friend that has a dog grooming
business. This person has a brand new Acer desktop computer and an Acer
laptop. Both computers are set-up on a wireless-g network sharing an internet
connection thu a local cable modem.
I want to develop an access 2007 application for his dog grooming business.
The Acer laptop would run the access 2007 execution program and the Microosft
Office Access 2007 development software would reside on the Acer desktop.
Backup would consist of copying the database file from laptop to the desktop.
Here is my preliminary table design:
Dog Grooming Transaction Table
transaction number (auto number field) primary key
transactiom month
transaction day
transaction year
pet name/owner last name (ex. Fido - Smith Rover - Smith)
service code (select code from service table)
amount (dollar amont of service rendered)
next appointment month
next appointment day
next appointment year
next appointment time
Customer Table
customer number (primary key)
customer last name (pet owner last name)
customer first name (pet owner first name)
customer middle initial (pet owner middle initial)
customer address
customer city
customer state
customer zip
customer work phone
customer cell phone
customer email address
Service Code Table
service code number (primary key)
service desciption
service price
Pet Table
pet name/customer last name (ex. Fido - Smith for duplicates fido2 - Smith)
(the ***(The above field would be the primary key)
customer number (pick from customer table)
breed of animal
neutered (yes/no)
spayed (yes/no)
vet name
vet phone
rabies shot due
dhlpp due
other innoculations
health problems
other problems
inside dog (yes/no)
house trained (yes/no)
repond to strangers (yes/no)
dog biiten anyone (yes/no)
dog obey any commands (yes/no)
what commands
dog groomer's name before this service
how did you learn of our service (pick from list)
special instructions for grooming this animal
digital picture of the dog
I think my design allows for multiple pets per customer by using the pet
name and owner last name as the primary key field in the pet table.
Is this the most efficient database design for a 1 man dog grooming business?
Comments and suggestions?
Thank you in advance for your help!