I have build a webpage using ASP with Access database on IIS, Windows 2003
I connect the database using the code:
oConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &
Server.MapPath("a.mdb") & ";Persist Security Info=False"
I also set LockType of recordset to adLockReadOnly for the pages that does
not allow user to modify records.
In Access, the options of Default open mode is set to Shared and the Default
record locking is set to No locks. It is also sure that each user has his
own set of records to read and modify. It is NOT possible for more than one
user modifying the same record at the same time (though they may visiting the
same table). There may be about 40 concurrent user (at maximum) to visit the
website at the same time.
Would user get error (about database locking) when there are multiple users
connecting the site (more than 20) at the same time?
Thanks a lot!
I connect the database using the code:
oConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &
Server.MapPath("a.mdb") & ";Persist Security Info=False"
I also set LockType of recordset to adLockReadOnly for the pages that does
not allow user to modify records.
In Access, the options of Default open mode is set to Shared and the Default
record locking is set to No locks. It is also sure that each user has his
own set of records to read and modify. It is NOT possible for more than one
user modifying the same record at the same time (though they may visiting the
same table). There may be about 40 concurrent user (at maximum) to visit the
website at the same time.
Would user get error (about database locking) when there are multiple users
connecting the site (more than 20) at the same time?
Thanks a lot!