Access Database not running well on P4 processor



I have a database application that does not work on a P4.
The only thing I can come up with is that the computer is
too fast for the program. The database loads fine but
when I try to find records using a form all of the objects
become invalid and I receive the '?Name' message in most
of the fields of the form. The database works fine on a
P1,P2 and P3 processors. Anyone know what could be
causing this?



I guess you are using INTEL, and not AMD ? P4 means intel chip, maybe make
sure your computer is actually and Intel, sometimes the CPU may not function
100.00000% of the time since at the assembly language level there may be
unique differences in the way code is excuted.

Maybe try uploading all available patches for your access from the ms
also to see if there is a difference.

Please let us know what worked out.


Tony Toews

Jack-of-all-traits said:
I guess you are using INTEL, and not AMD ? P4 means intel chip, maybe make
sure your computer is actually and Intel, sometimes the CPU may not function
100.00000% of the time since at the assembly language level there may be
unique differences in the way code is excuted.

FWIW I've been running mostly AMDs for about 10 years with no
problems. Only my last laptop has been an Intel CPU.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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Albert D. Kallal

You don't mention what version of ms-access.

Since it loads and runs (somewhat!) you likely are NOT experience a bug in
a97 when you have more then 1 gig of ram. (if you download the sr
updates....this is fixed).

The above actually gives an error about "out of memory" in the above case

However, should make sure the updates and bug fixes to access
are installed.

Can you open some code, and do a save and compile all?.

And, as others have mentioned...check your refs....

For info on refs check out:

Allen Browne

Doug Steele:

Peter Walker:

MsKb Articles: 310803, 208218, 209849, 286300

ACC2000: How Access 2000 Resolves Visual Basic for Applications References;en-us;248941

ACC2000: How to Resolve Reference Issues in an Access Database;en-us;310803


The CPU is an Intel P4, I have checked references and have
the Access version up to date. Version 2002. The problem
may be the way the code finds and updates the screen with
records. When I search for a record or update some data I
get the ?Name error. I will look into this problem
further but it seems I will need to rewrite some code to
get this to work on the P4.


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