Looks like it might be a read only file, or stuck in a readonly folder.
I know how to get around this if you're using FrontPage... All that
comes to mind is turn the Read Only attribute off before you
upload the file. This will take care of that problem. It might be
that the folder in which it's located in has Read Only permissions.
That could be a number of reasons. Either the folder is tagged as
readonly and all of it's contents assume the readonly attribute, or
the process is being started by a user that doesn't have the needed
How do you upload the files? FTP?
First check the attribute on the database file itself isn't readonly.
I think you can just right click on the folders or if you're using an
FTP program, the FTP program should allow you to set the
attributes on the folders.
Let us know if that helps at all.
Jim Carlock
Post replies to the newsgroup.
here is the error message:
2004-03-05 05:00:11 - W3SVC1168 CHIANA 80 POST /cal/admin/settings2.asp
_Cannot_update.__Database_or_object_is_read-only. 500 0
965 1257 94 HTTP/1.1
www.sehs.us Mozilla/4.0+