Access disconnecting from server?


Diane Yocom

<<sorry for the cross-post, decided to post somewhere with a little more

I have an Access 97 database sitting on a Novell server. It currently has
about 5 regular users.

For the past two months, the database has been "disconnecting" at random
times. By disconnecting, I mean, we get the following error:

"L:\Path\DB.mdb isn't a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled
correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file

We know the path is correct because the users can access the database
initially, it just seems to kick them out (with this error message) at
random times. If they click on OK through the series of messages, it will
put them back to the database application, but they're unable to do anything
until they close and reopen the database.

The database hasn't changed, so I don't think it's a code issue. We updated
Jet 4.0 yesterday and it seemed to be working better, but today people are
having problems again. We're starting to wonder if there is a specific
user/machine that is screwing up all the others.

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to go about troubleshooting this?
Diane Y

Arvin Meyer

Usually this means that there is a hardware disconnection. I don't remember
what the monitoring procedure is on Novell, as I haven't used it in 7 years,
but you can use perfmon on a Windows server. Maybe your admin will be able
to help set up a packet monitor.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads:

david epsom dot com dot au

also check the version number of the Novell clients (see
if they are all the same), then check the Novell site to
see if any specific problems are listed.


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