access does not accept apostraphes



why doesn;t access support in the text field an
apostraphe it keeps giving me errors when i try to write
to a table whos field is text and the apostraphe symbol
is rejected. please help this is so frustrating

John Vinson

why doesn;t access support in the text field an
apostraphe it keeps giving me errors when i try to write
to a table whos field is text and the apostraphe symbol
is rejected. please help this is so frustrating

The problem occurs when you are using an apostrophe (single quote
character ' ) to delimit a text string. When Access sees

'Joe's Bar and Grill'

it sees the first quotemark before the J as the opening of a text
string, and the ' after Joe as the end of that text string. This

s Bar and Grill'

as a meaningless chunk of text that can't be handled.

There are two solutions to the problem:

- If your text will contain apostrophes but will never contain
doublequote " characters, use " to delimit your string instead of '

- If you might have both ' and " characters, use the Replace()
function to replace each instance of ' with two consecutive

'Joe''s Bar and Grill'

will be read by Access as

Joe's Bar and Grill

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