Access does not release memory when closing report



I am the developer of a commercial access application that has run into a
problem with access releasing memory or something similar..
Format is Access 2002 adp on SQL.

When a large report is printed, and then closed, the very next operation
results in a problem;

1. If i try to open another large report I get the "Microsoft has
encountered a problem and needs to close" message wih the following data
AppName: msaccess.exe AppVer: 10.0.6501.0 ModName: mso.dll
ModVer: 10.0.6626.0 Offset: 000554a7

2. If I try to access the context menu from any of my forms I get an out of
memory error.

I have applied SP3 to no avail.

Stephen Knapp

Brother Statler:

A couple of thoughts. Does Access die after printing shorter reports?
Does the problem also occur when previewing the long (or short) reports? Is
the report width compatible with your printer? (I.e. Is the report wider
than the paper size?) Do you have any problems printing "big stuff" from
Word or Excel (or any other application)?
After printing the errant report and closing the print screen but
before trying any other operation, get into the Task Manager (Alt-Ctrl-Del
and click Task Manager) and look for any process that's potentially hogging
memory (or the processor). If everything else about your machine is
"normal", you might find some process running like mad. That's would be a
"Out of Memory" could be a fall-out of the above, or worse. Have you
run a visus scan lately? Any other applications giving you the fits? Any
slow-down on stuff you norally run? "Out of memory" could mean that another
process (maybe something you don't know about) is taking control of the
machine. Are you running on a network? Do you stay connected to the
Internet all of the time?
If these thoughts don't trigger any ideas, post back to this newsgroup
and we'll try to come up with more ideas.

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