Michelle Le Fevre
My Company runs XP with Office XP only with Access97. I
am working on the team as an advanced Access Developer
and we are looking at doing two things to start to
evaluate our upgrade.
1. We want to find out who out of our 5000 users have
been actually using access. I have looked at a lot of
monitoring tools and find one thing that access writes to
is the ntuser.dat.log. Is there a reg key that would
tell me when Access was last opened. Is there any type of
ADD-IN that I could monitor via Marimba or AD/OU LDAP
Queries that would help me out?
2. The other thing we are looking at is to run a hidden
2002 version on our image. Is there a way that we could
make Access default to 97. I have found one reg key but
it changes everytime the different versions are opened.
Thanks Again
am working on the team as an advanced Access Developer
and we are looking at doing two things to start to
evaluate our upgrade.
1. We want to find out who out of our 5000 users have
been actually using access. I have looked at a lot of
monitoring tools and find one thing that access writes to
is the ntuser.dat.log. Is there a reg key that would
tell me when Access was last opened. Is there any type of
ADD-IN that I could monitor via Marimba or AD/OU LDAP
Queries that would help me out?
2. The other thing we are looking at is to run a hidden
2002 version on our image. Is there a way that we could
make Access default to 97. I have found one reg key but
it changes everytime the different versions are opened.
Thanks Again