Access/Excel 2002 compatibility issue



Apparently, when one has database in Access 2002 for instance and a table
for instance...with a cell that is formatted NUMBERS... a simple copy of
that cell and than a paste into Excel 2002 will not preserve the number
formating... it changes to GENERAL???

Yes, you can change it by right clicking it and setting it to number after
the fact in Excel 2002... but it is a big deal if you forget and you have
formulas involved???

Anyone know what's up... I appreciate the input



To follow on to Arvin's post,

Understand the formatting represents just the visual representation layer
"on top" if you would, of the data, formatting is not stored internally with
the data itself nor does it impact the actual underlying data. (You can see
this if you open a table in Access where a field is formatted say as
currency or with a specific number of decimal places and simply place your
cursor in the field, the formatting "disappears" and you see the underlying

In addition formatting is maintained in Access at the field level, not at
the row level, so when copying Access doesn't read out that formatting, it
simply copies the data for the cells you have referenced.


Rhona Gallogly


Did you find a solution, I am having the same problem, annoying thing
is that it worked well in previous releases of Office !

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