Access File format


Amit Parashar


Is there a MS Access file format available? I would like to create a
utility to parse ms access forms and reports and convert them to ASP.



Douglas J. Steele

Nope: Microsoft has not released the file format. If you want to parse the
forms and reports, you'll have to do it using Access.

Tony Toews

Amit Parashar said:
Is there a MS Access file format available? I would like to create a
utility to parse ms access forms and reports and convert them to ASP.

The closest out there is the MDB Tools which is a set of libraries and
utilities to facilitate exporting data from MS Access databases (mdb
files) without using the Microsoft DLLs. In other words they are
reverse engineering the layout of the MDB

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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To save the Report design as text :

Set cnt = dbs.Containers("Reports")
For Each doc In cnt.Documents
Application.SaveAsText acReport, doc.Name, sFolder & doc.Name & ".ACR"
Next doc

'ACR' is the extension used by Source Safe for reports. 'ACF' is the
extension used for forms.


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