Access files no longer open via shortcut



Recently installed IE7. Got rid of it again when it stuffed up an Access XP
form containing a web browser control. But as an apparent legacy of the
installation I can now no longer open Access files via a shortcut -- I get
the message 'This file is located outside your intranet [it isn't] or on an
untrusted site [It's on my own PC]. Any suggestions?




By any chance, is there a period (".") anywhere in the path/filename, other
than the one preceeding the "mdb"?

I don't know if/how installing/uninstalling IE7 might expose this issue (and
this may be barking up the wrong tree, anyway) but it sounds like you're
hitting the issue described in Microsoft's KB article 810582:

You receive an error message when you try to open an Access 2002 database
from a Web Server

This article states in part:

"Access 2002 is not designed to open a database by using a URL address. If
you try to open an Access database (.mdb) file on an intranet Web site by
using the IP address, the FQDN, or the NetBIOS name, Access 2002 recognizes
that the file is outside your intranet or is on an untrusted site. Therefore,
Access 2002 displays one of the error messages that the "Symptoms" section

Now, the way that Access "recognizes that the file is outside your intranet
or is on an untrusted site" is by looking for a period (".") anywhere in the
path/filename, other than the one preceeding the "mdb".

So in Access 2002, this will open:


But frequently this won't:


I know, it's weird. But see if you get that error, check to see if a period
is in the path prior to ".mdb" and get rid of it.

Hope that helps!


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