Ive never created a database before in access, most of my informatio
was either kept in excel or contacts in outlook. Im sure Access i
pretty easy once you understand the basics and what you are trying t
accomplish. There are several tutorials out there but nothing fo
DUMMIES like myself.
Let me tell you what my goal is and hopefully someone can shine som
light. We have several kids in our church, we currently have to writ
there names on a piece of paper and give the parents a number so tha
they can pick up there kids. So my goal is to create a database (of som
sort) with the childs name, parents name, a specifice comp generate
number and a phone number, date of birth. once the database is complet
then when the child arrives to the youth group parent can sign them i
by entering there given number or by name and it will pull the name up
mark them as checked in and print 2 labels ...one for the child th
other for the parent to hand in when picking the child up. At the end o
the service the teacher can check the student out based on the label th
parent turned in. So can anyone give me some ideas? this is trul
something that i would like to get done. My only concern would be i
they were a new student at that point how will i get them in the system
was either kept in excel or contacts in outlook. Im sure Access i
pretty easy once you understand the basics and what you are trying t
accomplish. There are several tutorials out there but nothing fo
DUMMIES like myself.
Let me tell you what my goal is and hopefully someone can shine som
light. We have several kids in our church, we currently have to writ
there names on a piece of paper and give the parents a number so tha
they can pick up there kids. So my goal is to create a database (of som
sort) with the childs name, parents name, a specifice comp generate
number and a phone number, date of birth. once the database is complet
then when the child arrives to the youth group parent can sign them i
by entering there given number or by name and it will pull the name up
mark them as checked in and print 2 labels ...one for the child th
other for the parent to hand in when picking the child up. At the end o
the service the teacher can check the student out based on the label th
parent turned in. So can anyone give me some ideas? this is trul
something that i would like to get done. My only concern would be i
they were a new student at that point how will i get them in the system