Access form crashing?




I have a database with a main form that has three sub
forms. The parent and subforms record souces are direct
to the tables (not through queries.)

If I use the access filter by form, impose a sort on the
form so that the form opens with the most recent recod
showing, or any other filtering operations, the form
appears to "crash". The sysmptoms are no other form will
open. The error box "Operation cannot be completed at
this time" is displayed.

Access is closed and will not repoen until it is either
removed from the task manager processes or the PC is

Any ideas would be greatly received.


Ken Snell

The form may be corrupted. Open a new form and copy all the objects from the
first form to the second form. Does the second form work ok?


Thanks for your reply Ken

It hasn't worked but as there are three subfomrs in the
main form, you have made me think that a similar problem
could be the in one of the sub forms.

regards jason

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