Access form date query



Hello all,

I have a form in which I have 2 combo boxes. 1 called StartMonth and
another called EndMonth.

I have a query called MonthsAvailable, this gets its info from

Date Out By Month: Format$(JobsInv.DateOut,'yyyy mm')

The combo boxes fill ok with data like 2008 06 and so on no problems.

My problem is that I want to capture all data from StartMonth and
EndMonth, eg 1/6/2006 through to 31/8/2007.

I have this criteria set up in a report:
=[Forms]![DataDrill]![StartMonth] And <=[Forms]![DataDrill]![EndMonth]

for some reason the data retrieved only read from the 1st of each
month so the data I get back is 1/6/2006 through to 1/8/2007.

Does anybody have an idea how to make the data read till the end of
the month?




for some reason the data retrieved only read from the 1st of each
month so the data I get back is 1/6/2006 through to 1/8/2007.

Does anybody have an idea how to make the data read till the end of
the month?

Check the logic that the system is interpreting the date you enter as
mm/dd/yyyy instead of dd/mm/yyyy


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