Access Form Design Issues! SOS!



I have designed a form using a JPEG as background which provides an image of
my objects being on a computer console panel. However, having set it up in
design view with everything in place, looking good...I went to form view to
find that the picture resizes to fit the screen and the objects (text
boxes/combo boxes etc) stay at the place they were on the screen in design

The result is that objects are all over the place. This also happens when
the database is being accessed via a smaller/larger screened PC.

I have currently tried:
Form Properties: Autoresize yes/no
Putting a size for the form in the properties box
Border style - thin/dialog etc
Changing the picture type to clip/stretch/zoom

I'm totally stumped. Anyone have any answer to the do you
set up a relationship between the JPEG backgoround image of a form and it's
objects so they move/resize together automatically?

Your help would be most gratefulyy recieved.


Putting images into access can cause some pretty serious size issues.
Anyway, to answer your question, instead of setting the jpeg as the
background, couldn't you just insert the JPEG into your form as an image,
then resize it so it takes up the entire detail section of your form and then
send it to the back? That way it won't resize with a change in monitor, but
there just might be some white space around the perimeter of the form.

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