Access freezes when print is cancelled



When I select a report and click a Print button, if I
decide to click Cancel on the automatic "Now
printing . . . " pop up form, Access freezes and stops
responding (hence, CTRL-ALT-DELETE).

I assume I can add some Exit Sub statements in the code,
but I'm not sure where or how.

Thanks. - Kurt (code below)

Code for the Print button:
Private Sub Print_Click()
PrintReports acNormal
End Sub

Procedure for Print_Click:
Sub PrintReports(PrintMode As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_Preview_Click
' This procedure used in Preview_Click and
Print_Click Sub procedures.
' Preview or print report selected in the option

Dim strWhereRspnsID As String

strWhereRspnsID = "RspnsID = Forms!

Select Case Me!optSelectReport
Case 1
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptStatistics", PrintMode
Case 2
. . . etc.

End Select

Exit Sub

Resume Exit_Preview_Click

End Sub

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