Access: Getting the beginning date of the current week



Here's what I want to do:
Get all the records where a date field is within the current week.
Example: Say the current date is 12/6/2007. I want the records where the
date field falls between 12/2/2007 and 12/8/2007, inclusive (Sun. - Sat.).
I don't want to have to hard code any dates. In a SQL query, I should be
able to grab just the records whose date is between Sun and Sat of the
current week (which I should be able to get from Now() )....

And I should be able to do this all within an SQL query... possible?
Thanks in advance for any help...

Marshall Barton

Barry said:
Here's what I want to do:
Get all the records where a date field is within the current week.
Example: Say the current date is 12/6/2007. I want the records where the
date field falls between 12/2/2007 and 12/8/2007, inclusive (Sun. - Sat.).
I don't want to have to hard code any dates. In a SQL query, I should be
able to grab just the records whose date is between Sun and Sat of the
current week (which I should be able to get from Now() )....

DateAdd("d", 1 - WeekDay(Date()), Date())

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