Access gone wild



Hi. I'm using Access2003 and need to secure it so I followed instructions on
Tools -> security -> user-level security wizard. I needed to create
different workgroup and permission levels. After I went through the wizard,
access said that it was unable to encode the database. Not only that but now
it's asking me for a password when I try to get into the database and I only
entered 1 password but it's not accepting it. It says it's not a valid
account name or password.
I'm the only one affected by this although the database is on the network.
Others can open it with no problem.
Is there a way to undo what I did so that I can access this database? And
what did I do wrong, anyway? I was following instructions on Access
I would appreciate any help that anyone can offer.


Joan Wild

If you followed the wizard, then it created an unsecure backup of your mdb. Look in the folder for a file with the same name, but a bak extension (just rename it to have a mdb extension).

If you are being asked for a username/password for every session of Access, then you are joined by default to a secure mdw. Open Access and go to Tools, security, workgroup administrator and rejoin the standard system.mdw that ships with Access (search for it first).

Once you rejoin system.mdw, close Access, and reopen it; you should be able to open your renamed mdb file.

If this all works, it is safe to delete your secure mdw and any secure copies of the mdb.

I can't be certain why it happened, but be sure that you compile and compact your mdb before running the security wizard.

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