Access Help


Paul B.

It seems to me that there is an incredible wealth of knowledge is these
newsgroups, something that no book I have seen can even come close to

So, if any of the Access guru's here have been thinking about writing their
own book, here's a suggestion....

Take these newsgroups and write a book based on the questions that get asked
here. I know myself, I have asked questions that none of the 4 books I bought
could answer, and I got the answer I needed, sometimes more than 3 answers!

Take for example this one I just read about triming unwanted 'spaces' from a
users input, thanks to Brendan Reynolds (MVP):

Private Sub Text0_AfterUpdate()

If Not IsNull(Me!Text0) Then
Me!Text0 = LTrim(Me!Text0)
End If

End Sub

Replace 'LTrim' with 'Trim' if you want to trim trailing spaces too.

For people like me, and I know there are lots of us, that prefer to learn by
doing, a book based on this concept would be exceptional in value.

Think of the time it would save when learning to build your first database,
if you could open the book to a section on textboxes, and read all about them
and include important snipets of code such as the one above, indicating the
relevance and in order of priority, from what you must have, to what you be
nice to have.

Anyway, just my two cents. The those who offer so much time and advice here,
Cheers!!!! Much appreciated.

Rob Oldfield

Hmm. I'm not convinced. Does it cover normalisation in chapters 1 to 10
(i.e. before mention of *any* VBA)?

PC Datasheet


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