Access Hot Key ?



Hiya, any chance that I can assign a hot key to a buttom in my Access Form ?
I need to code it myself or It can work out by access ?
thank you

Allen Browne

You're not going to believe how easy this is.

In the Caption of the button, add an Ampersand before the character that
should be a hotkey. Example:
will cause Alt+T to be the hotkey.


will this also happen if the caption isn't showing because you display a
picture instead ?



WoW !!
Thank you for quick reply

Allen Browne said:
You're not going to believe how easy this is.

In the Caption of the button, add an Ampersand before the character that
should be a hotkey. Example:
will cause Alt+T to be the hotkey.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to the newsgroup. (Email address has spurious "_SpamTrap")



-----Original Message-----
will this also happen if the caption isn't showing because you display a
picture instead ?

YES, but your user won't know what key combination to use
unless you communicate that info some other way, such as a
Tool Tip.

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