Access: how to get final zeros to show in decimals (ex. 0.530)?



We are trying to enter data which has very specific values of three decimal
places. For some of this data, "1.200" is a legitimate value and we need the
zeros represented to show the data was entered correctly. Other than making
this a text field, how can I keep Access from truncating the zeros?

Steve Schapel


In the Format property of the controls on your form, set it to either
Standard or Fixed, and then set the Decimal Places property to 3.


Thank you very much. Now the next question: can a change the format for a
whole bunch of variables at once? (I tried the ways that made sense to me,
but obviously Access and I don't think alike.)


Steve Schapel


What do you mean by "variables"? Variables don't have a format. You
mean setting the Format property of a lot of form controls?


Yes you can but MAKE A BACKUP 1st. If any of the numbers in the table are
not as the example you gave (1.200) - then you may delete them.

Make a backup and re-format that 1st just to make sure.


I meant changing the format for a number of fields at once (changing them all
to Fixed, for instance). I did them one at a time in the design view, but it
seemed like I was doing it "the hard way." It all works now, however. Thanks,

Steve Schapel


You can select multiple controls at once (hold Shift key while clicking
the controls, or alternativel drag the mouse across all controls you
want selected), and then you can set the Format property for all
selected controls at once.

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