Access Icon not installing on Qiuck Launch bar after an GP push



I have set up an adm install point and configuring the MST file to upgrade
from Office XP to Office 2003. First let me say all is great except for this
issue at this point.
OK here is the problem. I have multiple users on each computer; they all use
the default quick launch bar that was created from the default user profile
the first time they logged on. On the quick launch bar I have Word,
PowerPoint, Excel, Access and of course once they run outlook it puts itself

Understand what I'm doing is in my test AD with 6 clients. When I test the
deployment of Office 2003 which is an upgrade from Office 2002 to Office 2003
all the Icons for the Office suite replace the icons on the quick launch bar
for all the user and of course the default user profile, EXCEPT for Access.
Outlook icon behavior remains the same once they launch the new version it
appears on the quick launch bar.

I cannot find any information on why the Access Icon does not appear on the
quick launch bar after the upgrade. I now there is a choice in the Custom
install wizard for this, but that does not work for some reason as well. I do
perform my install per computer and was think it could be the difference
between a user install and a computer push, but why do the other icon appear

To summarize when deploying Office 2003 using group policy the Access icon
does not replace the previous Access icon on the quick launch bar. The
deployment is an upgrade to a previous version Office 2002. I do migrate user
setting etc.

Does any one know why or how to correct. And sorry for the wordiness

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Drew,

Is it just the icon that isn't being changed or
does the link still launch Access 2002 from Office XP?

Is there an 'Access runtime' version on these computers
used/installed by another app?

Do you get the same result if you do the upgrade manually
using a custom install choice?

What edition of Office XP and Office 2003 are you using?

I have set up an adm install point and configuring the MST file to upgrade
from Office XP to Office 2003. First let me say all is great except for this
issue at this point.
OK here is the problem. I have multiple users on each computer; they all use
the default quick launch bar that was created from the default user profile
the first time they logged on. On the quick launch bar I have Word,
PowerPoint, Excel, Access and of course once they run outlook it puts itself

Understand what I'm doing is in my test AD with 6 clients. When I test the
deployment of Office 2003 which is an upgrade from Office 2002 to Office 2003
all the Icons for the Office suite replace the icons on the quick launch bar
for all the user and of course the default user profile, EXCEPT for Access.
Outlook icon behavior remains the same once they launch the new version it
appears on the quick launch bar.

I cannot find any information on why the Access Icon does not appear on the
quick launch bar after the upgrade. I now there is a choice in the Custom
install wizard for this, but that does not work for some reason as well. I do
perform my install per computer and was think it could be the difference
between a user install and a computer push, but why do the other icon appear

To summarize when deploying Office 2003 using group policy the Access icon
does not replace the previous Access icon on the quick launch bar. The
deployment is an upgrade to a previous version Office 2002. I do migrate user
setting etc.

Does any one know why or how to correct. And sorry for the wordiness >>


The icon on the quick launh bar is not being replaced with the new Access
Icon from 2003 it's there from Office 2002,and not there after the push. It's
just the icon on the quick launh bar for Access . After the push If you use
there Start/Programs/ Office etc it run fine.

No acess run time that I'm aware of. This is a fresh imaged computer. I
would have to anwser no.

I did not try a manual install, I will do that good idea.

Office 2002 (10.3409.3501) SP1



I did a manual install and the same problem no Access icon on the quick
launch bar

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Drew,

I'm slightly confused with the 'upgrade from Office XP'
and 'fresh imaged machine' information.

Was Access 2002 installed on a per user basis rather than
per machine? If so it may not be detected in the upgrade.
Is it Access 2002 or 2003 that launches from Start=>Programs?

I did a manual install and the same problem no Access icon on the quick
launch bar
Thanks >>
Let us know if this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Office 2003 Editions explained


When I say fresh imaged computer Office is on our corp image and was
installed per computer. Once upgraded with GP all the icons except for Acess
get replaced on the quick launch bar. for all the users that had a profile
and the default profile. For some reason the Access icon is not being
replaced either by installing Office 2003 manually or a push with GP. That
the probelm.


Well I guess, I', stuck with out an answer? If any one has one please let me
Thanks you

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