Chris Hayes
Hey. This is my opinion, but this ebook comes in handey. I really suggest
you get it if you are learning Access. The only draw back is his focus on
DAO. I would say ADO is the way to go nowadays but he's old school and I
can't blame him.
Chris Hayes
Still a beginner (only 12 years)
[fyi, you can email me by getting rid of the British Comedian''s name who
wrote that song about "Spam"]
you get it if you are learning Access. The only draw back is his focus on
DAO. I would say ADO is the way to go nowadays but he's old school and I
can't blame him.
Chris Hayes
Still a beginner (only 12 years)
[fyi, you can email me by getting rid of the British Comedian''s name who
wrote that song about "Spam"]