access label printing



I have just updated to 07 and when i went to print address labels the normal
print command screen came up instead of the print screen for labels. How do I
get the label print screen to come up?

Gina Whipp


What label print screen? Are you talking about Word perhaps? Scroll a we
bit further down in the Microsoft Interface to get to the Word newsgroup,
this one is for Microsoft Access a database software.

Gina Whipp
2010 Microsoft MVP (Access)

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors

I have just updated to 07 and when i went to print address labels the normal
print command screen came up instead of the print screen for labels. How do
get the label print screen to come up?


neildsmith said:
I have just updated to 07 and when i went to print address labels the
print command screen came up instead of the print screen for labels. How
do I
get the label print screen to come up?

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