Access ldb file



Hi everyone-

I have a question in regards to deleting the ldb file.
From what I understand this file is a tempory file that
is created to keep track of the users in the Database. I
have users getting a database is locked error, and the
only way to get rid of it is to reboot the machine that
the DB lives on. Any other ways to fix this?

Thanks in advance,


Jeff Boyce


Any chance you have multiple users "sharing" a single front-end? Or sharing
a single, un-split .MDB?

What you describe is not typical behavior if each user has his/her own copy
of a front-end on his/her PC, and all front-ends point to a single,
network-based back-end.

More info, please...

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>


Actually the fontend is a visual basic app. We're using
an secure ADO with workgroup file connection. Every user
is using the same workgroup user. Thanks again!

Scott McDaniel

Are you sure you're explicitly closing Connection, Recordset et al objects
when done? If one of these hangs around, they can cause these problems.

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