Access: Linked table manager does not recognize *.mdb as a MSAcces


Tammy Sanders

I have a question regarding the linked table manager in Access 2003. When I
run the linked table manager and click OK to re-link the tables and then
select the location of my backend, the default entry in the ‘Files of type’
field is MSAccess(). Unfortunately Access does not seem to recognize a file
with the extension mdb as a MSAccess file. I must change the ‘Files of Type’
to All (*.*) to get my backend to show up. Do I need to set something on my
machine so it will recognize mdb as an Access file extension in the Linked
Table Manager dialogue? These files do have the Access icon when seen in
Explorer. When I double click any of these files from Explorer, they open
with Access.


I had the same problem this morning.

Elected to delete the linked tables in the frontend.
Then relinked them with File -> Get External Data -> link tables
Then navigated to the backend and selected the tables I wanted to link.

Once completed I checked with the Linked Table Manager and went to
re-link the tables and this time it showed the correct MSAccess(*.mdb).

Hope this helps somone.

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