Access listbox dblclick feature doesn't work on first try.



I have a search form (frmUFReport) in Access where the user can search
for records. On this form I have a listbox (lstbx_frmUFReport) which is

where the records that meet the search criteria are returned. I have
set up a dblclick feature (see macro info below) that will allow the
user to dblclick the name of the course and it will return a detailed
form (frmCourse) with the details of the record dblclicked. The problem

I am having is that when you dblclick the CourseName the first time it
pulls up the form but no record information is displayed although, if
you dblclick the course name again with out closing the detail form the

record information is visible. Does anyone know what the bug could be?
Thank you in advance for your help.

Open Form Macro

Open Form: frmCourse
View: Form
Where Condition: [tblCourse]![Course] Like

Window Mode: Normal.


Try putting your WHERE statement as criteria in a query as record source for
your form.

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