Mac Hardy
I have a database with 2 tables: Brds and Numbers.
Birds contains 250,000 records and several fields, including one named
SPECIES and one called SEQUENCE. Numbers contains only 350 records (all
unique) and 4 fields: SPECIES, SEQUENCE, ABBREV, TAXON.
I want a macro to enter a new record in birds as follows. I type a 4-letter
abbreviation into the SPECIES field and the macro will find the record in
Numbers, ABBREV field, and return the SPECIES field of Numbers to the SPECIES
field of Birds, then return the SEQUENCE field of Numbers to the SEQUENCE
field of Birds.
There is more but I will take any progress offered. I have made none so
far. Thanks. Mac Hardy
Birds contains 250,000 records and several fields, including one named
SPECIES and one called SEQUENCE. Numbers contains only 350 records (all
unique) and 4 fields: SPECIES, SEQUENCE, ABBREV, TAXON.
I want a macro to enter a new record in birds as follows. I type a 4-letter
abbreviation into the SPECIES field and the macro will find the record in
Numbers, ABBREV field, and return the SPECIES field of Numbers to the SPECIES
field of Birds, then return the SEQUENCE field of Numbers to the SEQUENCE
field of Birds.
There is more but I will take any progress offered. I have made none so
far. Thanks. Mac Hardy