Access Module coded converted to Excel Function



Hi All,

I have a module which works in Access 97 so well that I want to see if I can
re-create this to work as a new function in Excel 97.

Please see the module code below:

Function ConvertDate(InputValue As Variant) As Variant
Dim lngDay As Long
Dim lngMonth As Long
Dim lngYear As Long

If IsNull(InputValue) = False Then
lngYear = InputValue \ 65536
lngMonth = (InputValue Mod 65536) \ 256
lngDay = InputValue - (lngYear * 65536) - (lngMonth * 256)
ConvertDate = DateSerial(lngYear, lngMonth, lngDay)
ConvertDate = Null
End If

End Function

Can anyone help with translating this to work as an Excel Function?

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