Access/Office 2000 and MS Vista


Dave H

I've been using Vista since Sept. 2007. All of a sudden - last month - my
old Access databases won't open.
Errors such as ... "An error occurred and this feature is no longer
functioning" and "selected collating sequence not supported by the operating
system". Reinstallation of Office didn't help.
OK - I know I'm out of date - I'm using Office 2000, but it meets my modest

So why, after 5 months, did Access 2000 stop working with Vista? Is there
any way to make it work? (I don't care to purchase a newer version of


Albert D. Kallal

So why, after 5 months, did Access 2000 stop working with Vista?

Without any information, it's really a wild guess on anyone's part. For
example after certain time why does your car fail to start? Perhaps the
batteries dead, perhaps is no fuel in the car, perhaps a fuel pump don't
work, perhaps the fuel pump is clogged...etc. etc. etc.

Telling me something doesn't work, or telling me your car don't work is
really very vague.
Is there
any way to make it work? (I don't care to purchase a newer version of

Actually, you even access 97 works under vista. You might want to check out,
and try some troubleshooting tip here:

You might consider using some of the additional compatibility features that
Vista has as outlined in the above...

Dave H

I understand that telling you something doesn't work is "really very
vague" -
unfortunately, those are the exact Microsoft error messages I get when
trying to open the databases that worked just fine the day before.

"An error occurred and this feature is no longer functioning"
"selected collating sequence not supported by the operating system".

Thank you Microsoft for your wonderfully descriptive and helpful error

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