Unfortunately I do not have an answer for you, but since no-one replied I
wonder if you managed to make any progress on this one.
On the Mac front I'm a newbie and am still very ignorant about what is and
is not feasible/straightforward etc.. As far as Word VBA is concerned, the
Mac VBA documentation discusses calling Mac "Code resources" as the
equivalent of calling routines in Windows .dll s, but I get the impression
that that option was only available in Mac Classic, not Mac OSX. Maybe
someone can confirm/deny.
I also hoped it might be possible to connect to an ODBC mailmerge data
source and manipulate data using the (limited) facilities of the
MailMerge.Datasource object, but none of the Word data connection dialogs
suggest that there is any support for such connections any more (although I
think I found sometthing in Help that suggested they might be) and my
attempts to make them using OpenDataSource have failed so far. Maybe someone
can confirm/deny whether that is feasible or not. (FWIW I have Office 2004
here but would be interested in any relevant info. on other Mac versions).
If neither of those is feasible, and an Applescript approach is also
infeasible, the only other approach I can think of would be to access your
Oracle data by Automating Excel, which /can/ access ODBC data sources via MS
Query - assuming, of course, that you have installed the necessary ODBC
stuff & Oracle drivers on the system.
I have to assume that anyone in the Mac environment who needs to do this
kind of thing basically chooses a completely different approach from
Peter Jamieson