Access Queries Book Mark Error



I am trying to import data from a Navision Database. It allows me to connect
select the table then import. But when I go to veiw the information I
recieve alll Error's in the feilds. I also receive an error concerning a
Book mark.

I am able to query this database with Excel and all the inforamtion is
collected. I also can update the query with Microsot Query.

How can I pull this data into Access?

Also if I try to link to the Excel workbook it tells me to check if the file
exists or it is the right format.

I am using Office 2003.

Thank you


The data is already a .xls file. Access will not import the data, nor will
it link to it. The error is please check that the file exists and it is the
correct format.
I dont understand why this is rejecting this file.

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