Access Query Grid Column Width should save



In design view, the width of the columns in the SQL grid does not save.
Please fix this. Also, the size of table field lists is very small, and it
gets tedious re-sizing them, so, it would be great if they could default to a
longer size and perhaps a bit wider.

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She'sALive1 said:
In design view, the width of the columns in the SQL grid does not save.
Please fix this. Also, the size of table field lists is very small, and it
gets tedious re-sizing them, so, it would be great if they could default to a
longer size and perhaps a bit wider.

Just a suggestion re: column widths. You can double click the column
boundary at the right of the column you want to resize (where the cursor
turns into a double arrow thus <-|->). It isn't permanent, but it might
be easier than dragging. This works in lots of windows columnar lists
(e.g., Explorer detail view, Excel, etc.).

Not that I actually /like/ the query designer or anything... but you
have to choose your battles...

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