Access Query/Module Problem Transferring to FrontPage 2003




In Access 2003, I wrote a query to retrieve a random record from my
database, along with a Randomize module to initialize the random-number
generator. It works fine in Access. When I import the .mdb file to
FrontPage 2003, the database results act as though there is no Randomize
module. The query is:

FROM table
ORDER BY RndNum([keyfield])
(Thanks to MVP Marsh)

The module is:
Public Function RndNum(vIgnore As Variant) As Double
Static bRnd As Boolean
If Not bRnd Then
bRnd = True
End If
RndNum = Rnd()
End Function

(Thanks to MVP John W. Vinson)

I would appreciate any help anyone can give me to resolve this issue.

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