Access Relationships between Two Tables. . .



I do know how to do this; however I am having difficulties with the student
data files downloaded from for 2003 Access Introductory book.

In Tutorial 3, Question 4: It reads: Define a one-to-many relationship
between the primary Recruiter table and the related Student tabe. Resize the
field lists, as necessary, to display all the field names. Select the
referential intgrity option and the cascade updates option for the

I clicked on the icon for Relationships and in the Recruiter table the
Primary key is SSN; in the corresponding Student table, SSN is a foreign key
- therefore I should be able to make the relationship.

However, I go through the steps that I was taught and that are stated in the
book and I get a message popped up that says "M.O.A. cannot create this
relationship and enforce referential integrity..." going on to explain that
it is in violation.

It shouldn't be though; I have done this steps at least 100 times before and
continuing and every other time it has worked smoothly; until now.

Any suggestions or imput? Any/all will be appreciated, thank you for your
anticipated feedback.

Tom Wickerath

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