I managed to solve my own problem, however the sequence of events by
which the solution was apparently "found" is interesting to say the
least. To reiterate the problem, I have a Windows 2000 Advanced
server from which I host several web sites. I have always
managed/updated/edited these sites myself so remode access was never
an issue until now. I recently added a client who wanted to manage
their site remotely with FrontPage 2000, no problem I said, I'll just
add the Frontpage extensions to your site and you'll be good to go ...
yeah ... right.
I first had created a new web site, added a default page and
accessed it via a mapped share with FrontPage 2000 to make sure all
was hunky dory with the page, it was. I then attempted to add the
Frontpage Server Extensions via the wizard on the server which failed
with the error message "Web already exists", or some such. Ok I said,
I'll delete from the web site all those folders and files created by
my accessing the web site via a share with FrontPage and then install
the extensions. And I did just that. The extensions installed just
fine, but no one was able to access the site, using Frontpage,
remotely, I could access the site via the share, but forget remotely.
The only thing that appeared in the log, were several 401 (access
denied) errors. Duh ... like I didn't know. I, of course, researched
the error messages I was getting (both the 401's and the messages
Frontpage was giving me) to no avail, tried several things, giving
full access via the ACL, "fixing" the extensions, etc. No luck. I
then created another web site, called it testweb and installed the
server extensions on that. The extensions installed just fine, still
couldn't access that site with Frontpage either, however, I was
getting slightly different error messages than I was getting with the
original site ... Hmmmmm ... a clue. I then added a page to testweb,
as I hadn't had one when I created the web and the extensions. I then
"fixed" the extensions, stll no luck. Sigh ... I was really getting
frustrated at this point, my language describing Microsoft product
becoming more colorful by the minute ... no, by the second ... I
figured one last try, and then I'm buying Appache!! So, I next
deleted the web site in its entirety, deleted all folders/files, etc
that were used in its creation and purged them from the trash can. I
then re-created the web site, made sure I did not accesss it via a
mapped share with FrontPage, created a default document and placed it
in the root of the web (as I had done before only this time BEFORE I
installed the extensions) and THEN installed the FrontPage Server
Extensions .. ah-ha!! More error messages and no access ... sigh ...
however the error mesages were again different than those I had been
getting previously, so being the good trooper I am, I researched those
as well ... the research again directed me to the same old stuff I had
tried before. So for one last time I "fixed" the extensions. This
time I received a "corrected" message and a folder called "_vti_bin"
was marked as "executable" and lo and behold I was able to access the
site remotely!!! THANK GOD!!!!
Now, it is important to note here that the "_vti_bin" folder had
NEVER appeared in the directory listing of any of the other attempts
to create a site and add the extensions to it. Reviewing what I had
done in the past and what had finally suceeded, I have come the the
follow conclusion (no, not buy Appache!!).
In order to create a web site that can be successfully accessed by
FrontPage 2000/2002 remotely, you first must create the site, THEN add
a page to that site BEFORE you attempt to add the FrontPage server
extensions (apparently you must have something to "extend") and then
you must "fix" the extensions after adding them to mark the "_vti_bin"
folder as executable, you can now access the site remotely with
Frontpage. I was able to verify these steps several times by creating
sites and varying the steps used. The above is the only method that
would work .... you'd think that this would be documented somewhere
.... oh yeah .. heh ... it is now!!
good luck .... you're gonna need it ....
Prescott ...