access report


Danny Jackson

i have a combo box in a form to select 1 of 5 values and i setup list so each selection has a number value ie, 1. table 2.dessert etc. i have check boxes on the report that have to be checked based on the value selected on the form. i have to show all check boxes on the report but only check the box for the value choose in fhe form. i have tried to do conditional statement on the report and check for numeric value and then set check value to true based on that but haven't had any luck. any help greatly appreciated.

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WPF Circular Progress Indicator

Marshall Barton

Danny said:
i have a combo box in a form to select 1 of 5 values
and i setup list so each selection has a number value
ie, 1. table 2.dessert etc. i have check boxes on the
report that have to be checked based on the value
selected on the form. i have to show all check boxes
on the report but only check the box for the value
choose in fhe form. i have tried to do conditional
statement on the report and check for numeric value
and then set check value to true based on that but
haven't had any luck.

I think it would probably be easiest to to use a bound
Option Group on the report, Set each check box's Option
Value property to the corresponding combo box number value.

If you have a problem with that, post back with more

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