Access reports and sorting



I currently have a report that prints OK. The report is
ordered by lease# and date on. I need to sort the table
by dist#, lease#, and date on. When I do this all the
lease# appear on one page. When I run the report without
the Dist# each lease# prints on a page.

How do I add an additional Sort/Grouping so that all
records are sorted by dist#, lease#, and date on and each
lease # prints on one page.



Open the sorting and grouping dialog when you are in design mode. Specify
the sort order by adding fields to the sorting and grouping list in the
order you want them sorted. If you want each lease to have its own page,
then for the lease sort, specify that it has a group header. Then right
click on the resulting lease header bar that appears in the report and open
its properties dialog; specify to force a new page before each section. Size
the header to zero height. (or add a group footer and specify to force a
page after the section.)

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