Access-reports tab-preview reports not activating



Never had trouble previewing reports. Now print preview does not access
reports. When I create a report using wizard the process will not complete.
I've tried detect and repair several times. IT department verified I still
had complete access to files. I'm still able to enter data into tables and

Allen Browne

This can happen if Access is unable to find a valid printer driver

Access uses the metrics of the printer driver to calculate the layout of the
report. If no printer is installed, or if there is a problem with the
default printer driver, Access is unable to calculate the reports, and the
symptoms are as you describe.

Access 2003 seems especially susceptible to this with certain network
printers. With this combination (A2003 and network printers) this can happen
even when other software (such as Word) prints successfully.

Try installing a local printer - anything at all, such as an old Epson dot
matrix. You don't actually need to buy a printer, just install the drivers.
If this solves the problem, it is an issue with the printer driver, and your
network people should be able to sort it out.

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