access shortcut



I now have several databases going, some for my clients, 2 for my own
businesses. My shortcut is listed below to one of my client's database.
I would like the shortcut to find the security.mdw, but give me an option to
log onto any database that I want from the file menu, rather then logging
into the a default database.
What would my shortcut have to be to do that?

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office2003\OFFICE11\MSACCESS.EXE"
C:\ACCESS\PCIDB.mdb /wrkgrp C:\ACCESS\Security.mdw

Thanks for your help.

Chris Mills

One security file does not really allow you to logon to disparately secured

It might be possible to open db's secured under sub-sets or super-sets, but as
far as I'm concerned even that involves logging-on again.

You can only logon to one system.mdw at a time, therefore your shortcut is
perfect. A system.mdw can have various security levels, if all the db's were
generated with the same system.mdw in effect.

I actually think you're trying to be too smart. When I write an app for a new
customer, I specifically make sure the mdw is incompatible!

And it gets worse. I am struggling to make Access secure in the face of
available hacking mechanisms. And you want to run several at the same time?
That's easy peasy, go back to the original system.mdw and discard Access


Joan Wild

Anne said:
I now have several databases going, some for my clients, 2 for my own
businesses. My shortcut is listed below to one of my client's
I would like the shortcut to find the security.mdw, but give me an
option to log onto any database that I want from the file menu,
rather then logging into the a default database.
What would my shortcut have to be to do that?

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office2003\OFFICE11\MSACCESS.EXE"
C:\ACCESS\PCIDB.mdb /wrkgrp C:\ACCESS\Security.mdw

If I understand you correctly, you want to use security.mdw, but open any
number of databases secured with that workgroup.

If so then just remove the path to the pcidb database.
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office2003\OFFICE11\MSACCESS.EXE" /wrkgrp


Perfect, it is just a waste of time opening a database you don't want to
look at. Now it just goes to file open and I can select any database I want.
Thank you,

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